Wednesday, March 31, 2010

India : What does it offer

Few days back, I was reading a novel " Life of Pi " by " Yann Martel", a Canadian writer. This novel got the Man Booker Prize 2002. It's a beautiful story which narrates the adventures a your Indian guy. When I was reading it, I wondered Why the most of the Novels and Movies based in India are successes. For instance, the Siddhartha by Nobel Laureate Herman Hesse , Gregory David Roberts' Shantaram,Rushdie's Midnight Childern and more recently Slumdog Millionaire are a few to mention.These stories are more successful in the west,what do the stories set up in India have to offer. Is it the diversity,spiritual and cultural heritage or as many would say the poverty of India. "Siddhartha" deals with the spiritual journey of an Indian boy. In the movie Scent of Woman, while introducing the heritage and legacy of a school, the Professor said," among other things, alumni of this school have worked in ashrams in India."Shantaram" beautifully depicts the "Unity in Diversity" of India.
But more than spirituality, more than diversity, more than anything else, I think it is the "hope", the positive attitude of an ordinary Indian that is captured in all these works of art. At a time when the world is shattered by the great depression, recession, Slumdog becomes a great hit, wins 8 Oscars. Not because it depicted the poverty in India, but because it gave the world what it needed most at that time,"Hope".

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